Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Okay, I'll try...


In a recent struggle to know if I was following the right counsel concerning one of my children, fear tormented me, clouding my mind. It was then that I was reminded, “The spirit [of God] will never guide through fear.” This reminder helped me to be aware of when fear was controlling my thoughts. At these moments I would try to calm down and clear my mind so that I could be more in tune to what my Father in Heaven wanted me to hear.
It was also during this time that I began to think that I must be the stupidest person alive for not knowing how to best care for my child. It was then that I was told, “The spirit will never call you stupid.” It was a powerful reminder that this type of thinking was not from God.

And now as I begin this new blog I find myself being plagued yet again, for reasons that I can’t begin to explain, with feelings of fear and inadequacy. “Who am I to think I can do this?” I have asked myself. “I’m nobody.” And once again, as clearly as it came to me before, I heard the reassuring voice, “The spirit will never tell you that you are nobody.”

So here I am. Me. And though there will always be times when I struggle with fear and feelings of being a big ol’ stupid nobody, I will continue to fight through it because I know, deep down I know, that I’m a very important somebody in the eyes of my God.

And guess what...

so are you.


  1. Oh fear...my all too present companion, along with worry. I always have to remind myself that fear, worry and discouragement are tools of the devil. Thanks for the uplifting words!

  2. well said my friend, very well said!

  3. I'm glad you are doing this blog. Don't give in to fear! You are doing good things both for yourself and a lot of the rest of us. We love and need your inspiring words. Please keep sharing yourself with us.

  4. You are so right! Satan will find anyway he can to get us to questions ourselves, what we are doing our worth.. but it is so not worth giving in.
    Thanks for coming by my blog today

  5. How can you be SO cute and SO wise at the same time???

    God must really love you. =)
